Rule #46 – Learn something from every experience.
For years, I’ve been the family navigator on trips. I’d sit
in the passenger seat, with maps out and directions out, charting where we were
on the road, and how far it was to the next rest stop. When you travel with
kids – and future old people – finding rest stops is priority one. I really
enjoyed following the maps, being the visual person I am.
Last October changed things dramatically, and not by my
choice. Now I’m flying solo, so to speak. My late husband used to do all the
driving. Now, it’s all up to me. And I’m finding that driving and reading maps
are not activities that a person can participate in at the same time – at least,
safely. It’s either drive or read the maps and directions.
In reality, I did do some of the driving on our road trips.
Hub would sit in the passenger seat, and hold on for dear life. He never
relaxed when I drove. He’d held on to the “Jesus bars” so tight, it would be
white knuckle time. Yes, he’d criticize. Yes, I’d yell back. Yes, I’d threaten
to put him out on the side of the road, if he didn’t stop complaining. Yes, I’d
gently explain that there was no “right” way to drive a route and he could get
over his ideas that his way is the only way. I was in charge… and he wasn’t too
happy when I was in charge.
By the way, those “Jesus bars” I’m talking about… that’s the
name our family gave to the safety grab bars on the door and/or roof of the
car. When we were teaching our kids to drive, they would push the limits of
parental civility at times. That’s when I would grab the bar and start to pray,
“Oh Jesus! Save me!” So, hence, the name “Jesus bars”.
I decided that I would continue our tradition of taking road
trips. We still had 2 trips planned before the end of the year, and I was
determined to take both of those trips. One of them was to Massachusetts for
Thanksgiving. Not being too familiar with the roads that lead to my
destination, I dug out the directions and maps. Then I realized that I’d have
to make a choice. Do I memorize the directions and just drive? Do I keep maps
and directions open so I can check periodically? Do I break down and get a GPS
I remember using a GPS on a trip Hub and I took years ago.
We were heading to Maine and trying to avoid the interstates… especially
traveling through New York City. We rented a car with a GPS in it. Hub
programmed it and it worked really well for a while. We actually enjoyed
hearing the voice say “continue on I-287”. But then Hub’s directions took us a
bit “off the beaten path”. We started on the Taconic Parkway, which is a great
drive with scenic views. We took local roads up to Killington Vermont. Every
time we ventured from the programmed route, we heard “Make a U-turn at the next
safest location.” When the U-turn didn’t happen we heard “Recalculating” come
from the micro-chipped voice. We got to a point where we were mimicking the
voice, saying “recalculating” with her. We’d answer her “Yes, Dear” and then
ignore her. Then Hub, decided to just drive the GPS unit crazy. By the time we
got to Meredith, New Hampshire, we were both laughing ourselves silly with
every turn we made. GPS became on-board entertainment for the long trip through
the wilderness of central Maine.
Both Hub and I talked about getting an updated GPS system
for our road trips. But we both agreed, in spite of the laughter, we’d go it
old school, with maps and directions. Okay, so we rerouted using Google Maps at
the end of each day. But Google Maps was our only salute to technology. We just
like to head out on to the open road and see what happened.
But now things are different. It was just me, myself, and I
heading to Massachusetts this past November. I gave in and got a Garmin. I now
have this female voice telling me how to get where I want to go.
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View from a Garmin GPS unit |
I opened the box, freed Ms. Garmin from her bubble-wrapped
prison, charged her up, and we made peace. I put in the routes I planned to
take. I added the destination address to my “favorites”. Then I threw my stuff
in the car and headed north. Then I found out how flexible her mind really was.
She was programmed for the “fastest route”. Folks, the trip from Maryland to
Massachusetts brings the “fastest route” directly through New York City, via
the Cross Bronx Expressway. I’ve been stuck on the Cross Bronx before, even
when the Yankees weren’t playing at home.
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Cross Bronx Expressway |
It doesn’t matter the time of day.
That is so NOT the “fastest route”. But when I “told” her, by way of taking
I-287 instead, she kept arguing with me to turn around. She finally got the
message and “recalculated”.
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Cross Bronx Expressway, near the George Washington Bridge |
We continued to argue as I turned on to I-684, a route that
takes you directly to I-84 at the Connecticut line. From there it was smooth
sailing all the way to the Mass Pike (I-90)… or so I thought. That day, there
happened to be a massive accident between two exits on I-84, with fatalities.
The road was closed between those two exits. It was after dark and I didn’t
trust getting off the road and taking the many unlit back roads through
Connecticut and Massachusetts. So I stayed put and chugged along, laughing at
the guy behind me. He opened his windows up, cranked up his music and sang
along at the top of his lungs. Hey, we weren’t moving anywhere, so I got
treated to a floor show.
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Add darkness, and this was the traffic jam on I-84 |
Ms. Garmin delivered me right to the doorstep of my
destination with no further argument. She got me home too, but I managed to
shut her up for a while. You see, I was driving the part of South Jersey that I
know like the back of my hand. I could drive I-295 in my sleep… in fact, I
think I did drive it in my sleep once. But I took my tried and true route home,
and stuck to my guns. Ms. Garmin got so tired of telling me “recalculated”
routes that she quietly “recalculated” for a half hour. Then she figured out my
route and spoke up again. Human victory over the microchip!
She’s been a great help on subsequent trips, even if she’s
along just so I have someone to argue with as I drive. It’s fun to have her sit
on the dashboard showing me the next turn, and mispronouncing the names of the
streets. She murders some of the Indian-named highways in Virginia.
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Notice the spider web of streets, criss-crossing each other at odd angles |
Ms. G proved her worth on my recent trip to the wedding of a
friend in downtown D.C. Now, if you’ve ever seen a birds-eye-view map of the
capital city, you wonder how they laid out the roads, what they were thinking
(or worse), and how did they crowd so much into so little space. I plugged the
address of the ceremony into Ms. Garmin and she got me directly to the
location. I started having more faith in her as she got me through a few crazy
D.C. intersections. Then I relaxed and let her lead the way. I got to the
ceremony with some time to spare. Then it was off to the reception. Ms. Garmin
got me through 3 circles, including the dreaded DuPont Circle, with no
problems. I’m sure the drivers behind me were not using all their fingers as
they waved at me, but no matter. I drove in unfamiliar parts of the city with
no problem. And she deposited me on my doorstep when the trip was over. Way to
go, Ms. G!
I learned a lot through these experiences. First, I learned
that I can travel distances alone. I’ve been driving back and forth to
Philadelphia and South Jersey by myself for years. But now I have the
confidence to branch out, head out into the wilderness. Next, I learned that I
need a travel partner for long trips, even if it is a computer. It really helps
to have someone to talk to… or yell at. I feel more comfortable, too, when I do
advance planning using a maps program from the internet, so I learned to keep
that working for me. I learned, too, that I need to get my behind back to D.C.
as a tourist – and soon! I’ve been missing a lot down there and I need to catch
up. Lastly, I learned that there is no true substitute for a good, old-fashioned
map. Many of mine are out of date, so I stopped at AAA to replace them. Thank
you, AAA.
Notes to self for future trips – update Ms. G and keep her
updated. Double check the settings before each trip. Pack the maps you will
need, just in case Ms. G gets an attitude and spends more time than necessary
Ah, yes… the dynamic duo of Ms. Garmin and fresh maps. I
won’t leave home without them.
And Self, get your touring self back to D.C!
“Yes, Dear!”
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